Femilift™: The Nonsurgical Solution for Restoring Vaginal Health

As you age, your body changes in a lot of ways. Your skin experiences some of the most noticeable changes, developing fine lines and wrinkles around your face as your production of collagen — the protein that gives your skin that youthful firmness and elasticity — decreases.
But another, maybe less-expected, change that comes with age is a shift in your vaginal appearance and function. Just as reduced collagen production causes wrinkles on your face, low collagen and ever-declining estrogen levels trigger changes “down there.”
Vaginal rejuvenation is often a welcome solution to common vaginal health issues such as vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy, painful sex, and incontinence.
At Rejuvchip, with locations across Florida, our team is passionate about restoring your sexual wellness, and we can do so through many different avenues, including surgery. One popular nonsurgical treatment option is Femilift™. Here’s how Femilift can rejuvenate vaginal tissue and what to expect during a treatment session.
What is Femilift?
Femilift is a nonsurgical treatment that tightens and rejuvenates vaginal tissue using CO2 (carbon dioxide) lasers. This laser treatment resurfaces targeted areas using heat energy. The energy is absorbed by water cells in your skin, damaging (vaporizing) the top layer of skin.
As your body tries to heal the skin targeted by the laser, it produces new collagen and remodels your skin. This results in a new layer of skin that’s tighter, firmer, and more elastic.
Who can benefit from Femilift?
Estrogen is the hormone that keeps your vaginal tissue moist, plump, and lubricated. This all-too-important hormone also keeps your vagina loose and elastic. Once estrogen levels start declining as you age and approach menopause, you may find that your vagina is dry, tight, and narrow. Aging can also change your look, such as a shrunken vulva and saggier labia.
Another factor that impacts the function and appearance of your vagina is pregnancy and childbirth. These place immense pressure and take a physical toll on your vaginal tissues, causing them to sag and loosen (vaginal laxity). While pelvic floor training may tighten vaginal muscles again, you may still deal with loss of sexual sensation and have low satisfaction in your sex life.
If you’re affected by vaginal changes due to menopause or childbirth, you may want to consider Femilift.
What to expect from your Femilift treatment
We perform Femilift treatments in the office. While you recline comfortably, we apply the CO2 laser via a tube-shaped wand that we place inside of your vagina. On top of the wand is a light that distributes the heat energy needed to tighten and resurface your vaginal tissues. You may experience some mild discomfort, but not pain, and these effects don’t last.
Because Femilift isn’t surgical, it doesn’t require any downtime. You can return to your normal activities immediately afterward, although you should refrain from having sex or wearing tampons for a few days.
As your vaginal tissues rebuild, you should notice that your vagina becomes more lubricated and you become more sensitive to all types of sexual stimulation. If you haven’t achieved the results you’re looking for after one treatment, you may need a few more sessions to reach your goal.
To get started with vaginal rejuvenation and restored sexual wellness through Femilift, schedule a consultation by calling our Fort Lauderdale, Doral, Brickell, Boca Raton, & Orlando, Florida locations or using our online booking feature today.
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